Tag Archive for andalucia

Cleaning Out Water Tanks

The Mancomunidad de Municipios de la Costa Tropical said that Aguas y Servicios (a private, water-utility company), had cleaned out the water storage structure in Molvízar which provides water for the coast.

Unjustifiable Expense?

The Partido Socialista (PSOE) opposition party in Almuñécar and La Herradura demands that the governing party (PP) provide information about the money spent on the Berlin Grüne Woche Fair.

Trevélez Rescue

Tuesday the 11th at 15.55h the Guardia Civil received a call informing them that a mountain climber had suffered a fall in the Río Trevélez area and was unable to move.

Lamentable State

The Torrox Policía Local found two German-Shepherd dogs in a lamentable state, suffering malnourishment, scabies (mange) and leishmaniosis in Torrox.

New Law Costs Lives

Today there is a province-wide strike amongst veterinary surgeons because of a change of law which has come down from Europe, which puts pets lives at risk.