Obit: The House-Ship Man

Those who live in Almuñécar will rememer the first time that they saw a house that looked like a large merchant ship, on the road leading up from Chinasol to the mainroad.

Another Dead Dolphin

A dolphin was found dead this morning on El Pozuelo Beach in Albuñol, where a local phone alerted the 112 emergency services around 09.30h about his discover.

Gun-Toting Councillor

Guájar-Faragüit is hardly Sin City but you could be forgiven for thinking that it was after a village ex-councillor appeared on the streets, armed with a shotgun, shooting it into the air.

Family Run Over

An elderly driver lost control of his car, ran up onto a pedestrian pavement and knocked over a family: a mother and father pushing their baby in a pram.

One-Hundred-Thousand Cars

Although the plight of the flood victims in Paiporta (Valencia) have long since left the front pages of newspapers, the situation is still very far from ‘normal.’

Carchuna Vandals

The ELA of Carchuna and Calahonda has ended their Christmas holidays with a “worrying” increase in vandalism that has left instances of damage in public areas.