
Eating out in the province of Granad

Sabina Lamb Shoulder Menu

Sabina is doing a Special Lamb Shoulder Menu tomorrow, Sunday 24th, so not only can you enjoy some superb food, but also get a chance to check out the new place.

Motril Despensa Offer

The Despensa de la Alpujarra, which is situated next to the Guardia Civil post in Motril, has a great bargain on during this month. You can have a ración of top quality cured ham (paletilla Ibérica de bellota); or four iberia-products, homemade croquetas with chips; or half a platter of Alpujarra cold meats (embutidos). Each…

Mirador de Cerro Gordo

The restaurant with probably the most spectacular views on the Costa Tropical, El Mirador de Cerro Gordo, has reopened its doors. And they have a date for your diary! On the 4th of May they will be putting on a Spring Festival, starting at 13.30h and carrying on through the evening to enjoy the sort…

Restaurante Torreon & Jacky

Almuñécar Restaurant Torreón is putting on a special menu in conjunction with Restaurante Jacky (formerly Cotobro, now Nerja) entitled: Menú Gastronómico Miniatura

Restaurante Kairos

Paco and Ceci at Restaurante Kairos, Almuñécar have a great treat for diners laid on in the form of a special Menu de Noche which will be of special interest for Seaside Gazette readers: if you take in a copy or simply tell them that you’re there after having read this, you will have your…

New Year’s at Restaurante El Torreón

Last chance for bookings as Almuñécar’s Restaurante Torreon on New Year’s Night, where they have a special menu lined up for the occasion, including fresh lobsters, beef sirloin and excellent red and white wines.

Miguel and the Boys

Fourteen chefs will be paying homage to Jacky Vohne (Rest. Jacky Cotobro) from the 27th to the 31st of August at Restaurante Reina Sofia, Almuñécar.

Easter Menu at By Larius

By Larius on Almuñécar’s Playa Velilla, run by Mark Sørensen and Randi Godskesen, is putting on a special Easter Menu with a difference. The starter, entitled, Easter Egg, comprises of quail eggs, serrano ham, vinaigrette, asparagus and herbs. This is followed by the main course, comprising of the traditional fish element of Easter, in this…

Reina Sofia’s Beer Menu

Miguel at Almuñécar’s Restaurante Reina Sofía is doing a special menu to accompany five special beers. The six-course tasting menu comprises of Aperitif, Salad, Entree, Fish dish and Meat dish, each one accompanied by a different top-class beer. The meal is rounded off with a dessert.