Paper Edition

News that has been published in the paper edition but not online until now

Wolf Hunting

The regional government of Castilla y León wanted to permit the hunting of wolves but it was thwarted by the Spanish Tribunal Constitucional in 2022. It was further blocked by the top EU law court, as well.

Naughty Nuns?

The case Clares of Orduña and Belorado could be a Dan Brown, best seller on ecclesiastical intrigues, but it’s not; the Pía Unión de San Pablo Apostol was declared a sect.

Motril Airshow

The Motril Airshow, which will be held on June the 9th this year starting at 11.00h, is considered one of the most important in Spain. It represents an important tourist and economic boost for Motril and the local area as people come from far and around.


Believe it or not, renting out your private pool by the hour or day has become popular in Spain, as a way of earning extra incoming, thanks to an online platform called Cocopool.

Giant Murals

Street Art, which is basically turning graffiti into huge painting projects that cover the entire building facades with impressive images, is all the rage across the world.