Paper Edition

News that has been published in the paper edition but not online until now

Powerful Suitcase

A woman in her 60s was arrested in the Alicante-Elche Miguel Hernández airport after 20,000 sex-enhancing pills were found in her suitcase.

Hill Fire Suspect Arrested

The Guardia Civil have arrested the suspected culprit behind two hillfires in Marbella and Ojén during August 2023, which affected the Parque Nacional de Sierra de las Nieves.

Throw Back Fanatics

The Bishopric of Cuenca has decided to suspend a courses for priests owing to the controversy and rejection expressed by the general public.

Mother Disinterred

A man was arrested on Saturday last December in Avilés (Asturias) after having stolen the body of his mother, who died that week, from the parish cemetery.

The Polite Robber

The man who has been hitting pharmacies in the metropolitan area, offers a “Buenas,” assures the staff that he means no harm and that the money goes on food. He then apologises before speeding off on an e-Scooter.

EU Funding Lost

Six months after the Section Two of Rules Distribution Network lost EU funding (Next Generation), the Central Government has not specified how it will finance a work valued at 80 million euros.

Towing Hook Fines

Is your towing hook (or ball) legal? Well, there are drivers who are unaware that this fixture has not been legalised for their vehicle.

Truly Torpe!

A man thought that it would be a good wheeze to stroll into a fire station, hop into a fire truck and see if he could drive it… He couldn’t.