
News from Salobrena, costa tropical, Granada

Help Needed Urgently

Salobreña Town hall, in collaboration with SOS Animales Salobreña, has begun a campaign for the donation and collection of dog & cat food to cover the needs of the 250 animals in their care.

Weather: 16th to 21st

You will have noticed that temperatures have cooled a little, especially at night, with temperatures in the low 20s on the coast and middle-to-high teens inland in the Valle de Lecrín (Dúrcal) and the Alpujarra (Lanjarón).

Temperatures until Tuesday

At a quick glance, Friday will see maximum temperatures in their mid-30s on the coast and a degree or two hotter inland. As for the the lows on Friday, they range from 19ºC in Durcal to 24ºC in Motril.