Costa Women continue to grow its community and last week were excited to welcome its 8,000th member at costawomen.com.
The Feminine Angle
On February 25th a group of women from the Almunécar International Women’s Group held a reading of “The Vagina Monologues” at the Centro Social Paquita Ruiz as part of these world wide events.
“We sang and danced to Break the Chain – joining hundreds and thousands of women in countries all over the world as part of One Billion Rising.”
Almunecar International Women’s Group invite you to join us on Saturday 14th February at 12.00h outside Sabina’s Restaurant.
As I’m two days’ away from my 16-year old’s first trip abroad with her school, I find myself doing some soul searching about the realities of being a mother.
In the past I have written about WomenWorks, which is a network of women living and working on the Costa Tropical. One of the founders, Glen Ladeggard has decided to move back to her native home, Australia, this summer.
Jane Miles is a lovely American lady in La Herradura who deserves an honourable mention and a big thank you for her work and dedication in raising funds for El Club Herradura (the Horseshoe Club).
What a coincidence: The woman featured in my Women-Wise article this month is called Wise; Carolyn Wise – that is. I met her at restaurant Rincón de Peña Parda, in La Herradura and was curious to hear her story.
My girlfriends and I were recently sharing very handy tips that have been passed down to us – mostly by our grandmothers. I haven’t tried all of them myself yet, so I can’t guarantee how well they work. Here are a few I’d like to share with you
We are very lucky to have such a multitude of talented and dedicated artists in our local community. Thankfully, so many of them are willing share their time, energy and passion in order that the rest of us can behold and enjoy their interesting and beautiful creations.