Clínica Dental Almuñécar

Clínica Dental in Almuñécar’s San Sebastian offers a whole range of professional dental services including; General Dentistry, Child Dentistry, Endodontics (root-canal surgery), Periodontology, Orthodontics, Dental Aesthetics, Surgery, Implants and Radiological Diagnostics.

Many people hesitate when it comes to dental surgery because of the cost but Clínica Dental offers payment facilities and finance methods for every kind of treatment.

Surgery hours are Monday to Friday: 09.00h to 14.00h and 16.00h to 21.00h. Appointments can be made for Saturdays.

The team comprises of dental surgeons,José Antonio Martín Jeronimo dental hygienist Regina Ruiz García.

Visit there website at for a more information and directions on how to find them or use this Google Map.

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C/Ingenio Real Nº 13 – Bajo, Tel. 958 63 91 40 Email: