When Rose, a young English nurse with humanitarian ideals, decides to volunteer in the Spanish Civil War, she is little prepared for the experiences that await her.
Juanjo Guarnido; the artist who spotlights the name of Salobreña around the world.
An increasing number of dog owners are being irresponsible by allowing their dogs to roam free, unattended, and therefore free to drop their disgusting deposits everywhere.
The Town Hall continues to confiscate unattended beach equipment even though nobody turns up to reclaim it and pay the 30-euro fine.
Salobreña City Council approved a new bylaw that will give all those wooden homes and properties that are not legal; i.e., are on greenbelt land, a chance to register.
Raúl is a 9-year old boy from Salobreña in urgent need of help. He has suffered from brain paralysis, West Syndrome and Lenno-Gastaut Syndrome since birth, but as he grows, life is becoming more and more difficult, especially to his family.
The Salobreña Town Council hosted a gathering of local clubs and associations on Sunday the 14th, where they had a chance to show off their works, such as painting, tapestry, pottery or basket weaving with esparto grass.
During the first week of March, from 4th to 10th, Salobreña celebrated the II Film Noire Festival Villa de Salobreña. A whole week full of screenings, discussions and other activities related to the Spanish black cinema.
The camper vans parked in Salobreña have been evicted by Local Police with no reason or explanation.
A big controversy is emerging in Salobreña concerning taxi fares, mainly affecting foreigners.