Covid Figures: Monday 25th

The following figures were published by the Junta this morning and show a growth in contagion figures in general.

On the Costa Tropical, Motril has joined Almuñécar and Salobreña in breaching the 500 barrier. Otívar is tottering on the edge with 483.6 per 100K, so with just one more case, the village will be shut down. However Salobreña has dropped from 638.1 to 541.2.

Motril and Almuñécar, together with the following municipalities, will have to close their town limits as of 00.01h on Wednesday morning: Albolote, Alicún Ortega, Atarfe, Benamaurel, Cájar, Caniles, Cijuela, Cuevas del Campo, Cúllar Vega, Domingo Pérez, Huéscar, Huétor Tájar, Jayena, Jun, Lecrín, Monachil, Montefrío, Puebla de don Fadrique, Trevélez, Valle de Zalabí, Vegas del Genil, Villanueba de las Torres, Víznar, Zafarralla and Zagra.

With these above additions, it brings the percentage of inhabitants within the province under lockdown to 93%.

Remember: 500 or over, the municipality will have to close its boundaries and 1,000 or over means that besides closing municipal boundaries, all non-essential business have to close too.

Town or Area Population 14-day Per 100K
Granada 914,678 8,117 887.4
Granada Sur 148,829 851 571.8
Albondón 728 2 274.7
Albuñol 7,233 72 995.4
Almegíjar 365 0 0.0
Almuñécar 26,514 143 539.3
Alpujarra de la Sierra 989 0 0.0
Bérchules 716 3 419.0
Bubión 296 3 1,013.5
Busquístar 289 13 4,498.3
Cádiar 1,453 4 275.3
Cáñar 350 0 0.0
Capileira 554 8 1,444.0
Carataunas 194 0 0.0
Cástaras 249 0 0.0
Guájares (Los) 1,057 0 0.0
Gualchos 5,193 17 327.4
Ítrabo 988 1 101.2
Jete 919 0 0.0
Juviles 153 0 0.0
Lanjarón 3,507 3 85.5
Lentegí 326 0 0.0
Lobras 145 0 0.0
Lújar 488 1 204.9
Molvízar 2,794 9 322.1
Motril 58,020 320 551.5
Murtas 467 1 214.1
Nevada 1,050 4 381.0
Órgiva 5,725 6 104.8
Otívar 1,034 5 483.6
Pampaneira 321 1 311.5
Polopos 1,756 23 1,309.8
Pórtugos 382 4 1,047.1
Rubite 394 0 0.0
Salobreña 12,381 67 541.2
Soportújar 268 6 2,238.8
Sorvilán 538 24 4,461.0
Taha (La) 653 7 1,072.0
Torrenueva Costa 2,682 9 335.6
Torvizcón 648 1 154.3
Trevélez 732 5 683.1
Turón 239 3 1,255.2
Ugíjar 2,523 58 2,298.9
Válor 675 10 1,481.5
Vélez de Benaudalla 2,841 18 633.6
Granada Nordeste 98,043 889 906.7
Alamedilla 574 15 2,613.2
Albuñán 406 1 246.3
Aldeire 615 0 0.0
Alicún de Ortega 480 3 625.0
Alquife 601 7 1,164.7
Baza 20,412 273 1,337.4
Beas de Guadix 329 1 304.0
Benalúa 3,318 28 843.9
Benamaurel 2,293 12 523.3
Calahorra (La) 673 2 297,2
Caniles 4,047 27 667.2
Castilléjar 1,318 22 1,669.2
Castril 2,070 3 144.9
Cogollos de Guadix 673 10 1,485.9
Cortes de Baza 1,869 9 481.5
Cortes y Graena 996 8 803.2
Cuevas del Campo 1,735 9 518.7
Cúllar 4,129 51 1,235.2
Darro 1,599 13 813.0
Dehesas de Guadix 419 2 477.3
Diezma 764 11 1,439.8
Dólar 622 3 482.3
Ferreira 299 0 0.0
Fonelas 978 2 204.5
Freila 918 0 0.0
Galera 1,075 3 279.1
Gor 733 0 0.0
Gorafe 381 5 1,312.3
Guadix 18,422 170 922.8
Huélago 403 11 2,729.5
Huéneja 1,184 7 591.2
Huéscar 7,253 47 648.0
Jérez del Marquesado 968 2 206.6
Lanteira 588 3 510.2
Lugros 323 0 0.0
Marchal 417 1 239.8
Morelábor 607 13 2,141.7
Orce 1,190 0 0.0
Pedro Martínez 1,107 32 2,890.7
Peza (La) 1,178 8 679.1
Polícar 276 0 0.0
Puebla de Don Fadrique 2,250 16 711.1
Purullena 2,293 21 915.8
Valle del Zalabí 2,128 15 704.9
Villanueva de las Torres 582 5 859.1
Zújar 2,548 18 706.4
Granada (distrito) 239,149 2.141 895.3
Beas de Granada 977 24 2,456.5
Granada (capital) 232,462 2.050 881.9
Huétor de Santillán 1,877 39 2,077.8
Jun 3,833 28 730.5
Metropolitano de Granada 428,657 4.198 979.3
Agrón 274 1 365.0
Albolote 18,808 151 802.8
Albuñuelas 821 0 0.0
Alfacar 5,400 82 1,518.5
Algarinejo 2,520 166 6,587.3
Alhama de Granada 5,979 18 301.1
Alhendín 9,349 72 770.1
Arenas del Rey 666 1 150.2
Armilla 24,174 166 686.7
Atarfe 18,706 104 556.0
Benalúa de las Villas 1,066 12 1,125.7
Cacín 569 0 0.0
Cájar 5,129 28 545.9
Calicasas 617 14 2,269.0
Campotéjar 1,237 13 1,050.9
Cenes de la Vega 8,002 59 737.3
Chauchina 5,565 109 1,958.7
Chimeneas 1,257 20 1,591.1
Churriana de la Vega 15,200 127 835.5
Cijuela 3,322 20 602.0
Cogollos de la Vega 2,031 96 4,726.7
Colomera 1,309 13 993.1
Cúllar Vega 7,429 54 726.9
Dehesas Viejas 705 3 425.5
Deifontes 2,627 29 1,103.9
Dílar 2,054 11 535.5
Domingo Pérez de Granada 890 5 561.8
Dúdar 330 3 909.1
Dúrcal 7,015 27 384.9
Escúzar 791 10 1,264.2
Fornes 555 4 720.7
Fuente Vaqueros 4,406 54 1,225.6
Gabias (Las) 21,115 174 824.1
Gobernador 233 0 0.0
Gójar 5,795 39 673.0
Guadahortuna 1,935 40 2,067.2
Güéjar Sierra 2,820 13 461.0
Güevéjar 2,595 10 385.4
Huétor Tájar 10,352 62 598.9
Huétor Vega 12,039 128 1,063.2
Íllora 10,054 112 1,114.0
Iznalloz 5,134 65 1,266.1
Játar 614 1 162.9
Jayena 1,060 6 566.0
Láchar 3,471 55 1,584.6
Lecrín 2,134 16 749.8
Loja 20,342 199 978.3
Malahá (La) 1,781 37 2,077.5
Maracena 22,116 212 958.6
Moclín 3,651 44 1,205.1
Monachil 7,939 50 629.8
Montefrío 5,433 37 681.0
Montejícar 2,113 20 946.5
Montillana 1,189 32 2,691.3
Moraleda de Zafayona 3,153 17 539.2
Nigüelas 1,173 6 511.5
Nívar 994 22 2,213.3
Ogíjares 14,160 166 1,172.3
Villa de Otura 6,952 46 661.7
Padul 8,420 179 2,125.9
Peligros 11,394 147 1,290.2
Pinar (El) 877 0 0.0
Pinos Genil 1,457 7 480.4
Pinos Puente 9,930 182 1,832.8
Píñar 1,138 19 1,669.6
Pulianas 5,429 64 1,178.9
Quéntar 933 2 214.4
Salar 2,631 11 418.1
Santa Cruz del Comercio 528 2 378.8
Santa Fe 15,157 132 870.9
Torre-Cardela 736 6 815.2
Valderrubio 2,086 19 910.8
Valle (El) 914 7 765.9
Vegas del Genil 11,166 70 626.9
Ventas de Huelma 640 16 2,500.0
Villamena 948 4 421.9
Villanueva Mesía 2,021 30 1,484.4
Víznar 976 5 512.3
Zafarraya 2,137 12 561.5
Zagra 834 6 719.4
Zubia (La) 19,155 197 887.4

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