Tag Archive for altiplano

Quantifying The Damage

The Central Government representative for the province of Granada has visited municipalities affected by the Cold Drop (torrential downpours a.k.a DANA) in north-east Granada.

Bones in A Cave

Potholers in Huéscar (north-east of the province) came across a skull and a collection of bones belonging to more than one person whilst exploring a cave.

Baza Water Undrinkable

The Mayor of Baza has issued a warning about using mains water for drinking or cooking as its Total Organic Carbon is over what is legally considered permissible for human consumption.

Catch That Pigeon!

Baza has entered into battle against its growing pigeon population we have invested the town centre, causing filth on streets, statues and public buildings.

House News

Well, the mag is at the printer so it should be out by the 31st, if not the 1st, and distribution will begin.