Baby Shark In Plastic Squeeze

MOT RInged Shark

By now we all know that the presence of plastics in the sea is a serious problem which affects the ecosystem and biodiversity, and it is already well documented how nets and plastics cause a great deal of damage to corals in our area alone.

As if to highlight this problem, just a few days ago a fisherman working out of Motril found a small redhead, a species of shark, with the ring of a soft drinks bottle around its mouth.

Ecopuertos, the project developed thanks to the collaboration of the Fishermen’s Association, has shared this photo and details throughout their network as a way to raise awareness of the importance of not throwing waste into the sea, since it can cause very diverse damage in the species that inhabit this environment.

So, next time you have a bottle of soft drink, think about how you dispose of your waste (I’ll be watching!)

(News: Motril, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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