This restaurant with a stunning view of Almuñécar, perched above the Sandoval Vega/San Cristóbal, has plenty to offer with its cusine, so it’s not just about the unbeatable views.
The population of Almuñécar’s aquarium is growing; some of it is down to the amorous activities amongst the existing population and part of it down to more having been acquired.
The environmental protection department of the Guardia Civil (Seprona) have confiscated 600 kilos fish in La Rábita, at the eastern end of the Costa Tropical.
The Junta de Andalucia has been in Almuñécar pushing their Summer Campaign against eating immature fish.
This restaurant is no secret to many of you; its singular locations makes it one of the most frequented on Costa Tropical.
China has held the world’s very first beauty contest for goldfish, casting aside the need for swimsuits and high-heels, but still requiring a certain amount of even security to protect the contestants from the Sushi Bar owners.
For 21 years this fantastic Chiringuito has been feeding locals and holidaymakers alike. With superb fish and meat dishes including their famous Kebabs of Sardines, it is quite obvious that they have not taken their foot off the pedal in all that time.