Tag Archive for fish

Too Much Mercury?

According to official data, the average person in Spain consumes 10.5kg of fish a year, putting Spain up there with Japan and Norway as top fish consumers.

Baby Shark In Plastic Squeeze

As if to highlight this problem, just a few days ago a fisherman working out of Motril found a small redhead, a species of shark, with the ring of a soft drinks bottle around its mouth.

New Aquarium Inmates

The population of Almuñécar’s aquarium is growing; some of it is down to the amorous activities amongst the existing population and part of it down to more having been acquired.

Fishy Beauty Contest – Wonky World

China has held the world’s very first beauty contest for goldfish, casting aside the need for swimsuits and high-heels, but still requiring a certain amount of even security to protect the contestants from the Sushi Bar owners.

Chiringuito La Bahía

For 21 years this fantastic Chiringuito has been feeding locals and holidaymakers alike. With superb fish and meat dishes including their famous Kebabs of Sardines, it is quite obvious that they have not taken their foot off the pedal in all that time.