Tag Archive for vandalism

Carchuna Vandals

The ELA of Carchuna and Calahonda has ended their Christmas holidays with a “worrying” increase in vandalism that has left instances of damage in public areas.

White Paint Rebellion

About a month ago, the City Hall of Granada decided to make Calle Juncos into a Blue Zone. However, somebody, in the dead of night… changed it back.

CCTV in Kiddy Parks

Motril Town Hall has decided that the only way that they can catch vandals ‘at work’ breaking equipment in Th Parque de los Pueblos de América is with CCTV.

Restaurants Attacked

A well known restaurant in the city of Granada was attacked with paint splashed onto its facade and it wasn’t the only eatery targeted recently.

Racism in Almuñécar

(COH 09C) There is a Moroccan family in Almuñécar that has suffered numerous acts of vandalism on the family car, with racist remarks scratched on the paintwork.

Dúrcal Let Down

Dúrcal woke one Sunday morning to find over a dozen cars with their tyres punctured – nice way to start the day if you’re in a rush!