White Paint Rebellion

About a month ago, the City Hall of Granada decided to make Calle Juncos into a Blue Zone. However, somebody, in the dead of night... changed it back.

Residents awoke Friday morning to find that somebody had painted over the blue, road marking with white paint… and removed the road sign indicating that it was a Blue Zone… Robin Hood with a tin of white paint, perhaps.

We’re not talking about just a couple of blue lines along a short distance, but rather 120 metres of them, leaving motorists a little confused, to say the least, of whether it was still a Blue Zone or not. From the City Hall’s point of view, they could hardly fine somebody for parking there without a parking ticket, either.

The City Hall lost no time, however, sending out municipal maintenance workers to paint the lines blue again and erect a Blue-Zone, road sign.

There has always been random vandalism in many towns where they have installed Blue Zones. In fact, in the city, several ticket machines were ripped out the ground and removed a couple of years back in the Beiro district.

(News: City & Metropolitan Area, Granada, Andalucia – Photo/Source: Ideal/C.B.)

Keywords, Blue Zone, Vandalism, White Paint, Lines, Road Sign

Don’t be; it’s hilarious 😉 – Martin

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