The Servicio Andaluz de Salud has received a demand for 165,000 euros because a patient’s pump-operated penis did not reach 17.5 cm, as promised… allegedly
The Céltic Club de Fútbol of Pulianas (near Granada) has expelled a player after he hit a linesman with his penis… yes, you read that correctly.
So, you approach a ‘doctor’ and ask for some filler to be inserted into your buttocks, to give it that firm, pert look. However, your surgeon turns out to be a useless, unlicensed, botch artist who cocks the whole procedure up, leaving it looking worse than before.
The reasons behind this bizarre incident are still unclear, but what is clear is that Andrew Johnson, who performs as the rapper Christ Bearer, cut off his own penis and then threw himself off a second-floor balcony. The 40-year-old rapper somehow survived and has been left with serious injuries.
A tale of domestic violence from the USA now, where Gerald Orock, 56, from Ellwood City, Pennsylvania, was having one the latest of violent arguments with his ex-wife Lisa Jones-Orock. However, during this particular argument, Mrs. Jones-Orock decided to cut off her ex husband’s penis with a Stanley Knife.
Firstly, did you know that there is a penis museum in Teykjavik, Iceland? Well there is, and word is that it’s actually quite interesting with penis specimens from all manner of beasts. But there is one important omission… a human penis.
Across in Málaga, a prostitute slit open a customer’s penis as a consequence of an argument over the price an orgy.
What a headline! And it’s true! Jason Martin, a 41-year-old from Dover in Kent, England, was so incensed that his neighbour had sent him a text asking him to turn down his Xbox, he went to his house, confronted him, and bit his penis and testicles.