Tag Archive for Gorgoracha

A-7 Creeps Forward

Just after we announce that the A-7 wasn’t going anywhere fast, the Government announced that it had finally awarded a construction contract for the termination of the Gorgoracha-Puntalón section of the A-7, Autovía del Mediterraneo.

A7 Gorgoracha-Puntalon Go Ahead

The much-needed stretch of autovia between Gorgoracha and Puntalón was 75% complete when all work ground to a halt; the construction company Isolux Corsan had struck an unexpected strata of rock that would require a lot of extra funding to reroute the construction work.

More Autovia News

A total of 30 construction companies are bidding for a juicy 45.7m-euro contract to build the Gorgoracha-Puntalón stretch of the A-7 Mediterranean autovia, which is not surprising, given the fact that major public works around the country have been cut drastically.