The Minister of Public Works promised that the Gorgorcha-Puntalòn section of the A-7 would be opened in April – it’ll now be opened tomorrow, the 30th of March.
The result is that traffic from Madrid can reach the port itself, without having to use a normal national road meaning that heavy-goods vehicles will no longer pass through urban areas to reach the docks.
The opening date being brought forward obeys one simple logic – it was the last opportunity to hold an official opening ceremony until after the May Municipal Elections.
But this political ‘twiddling’ does not detract from the fact that drivers will now be able to reach Motril and the port without leaving the A-7 or A-44. In fact, there is only one section outstanding to connect Málaga to Almería and that is Carchuna-Castell del Ferro, which is set to be opened this autumn.
It took 13 years and a herd of broken pledges to connect Granada to Motril but finally, on the 30th of March 2015, it is reality at last.
(News: Motril, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)