Salobreña’s Safe Routes

SAL Safe Sports AreaSalobreña Town Hall has set out three routes, recommended for those that go for walks or practice outside sports. The routes are designed to be safe as they respect health measures.

The Councillor for Sports explained that the measures for the easing of the Lock Down require a greater effort and increased awareness from the general public in order to avoid increased exposure through bunching up into groups.

For this reason, starting today there will be sign posts and road markings indicating the three routes, which way you are supposed to go round and the distance to be kept between individuals.

The three routes will be colour coded: blue, green and white, which will indicate the speed you should keep to. All this, said the councillor, is to avoid coming across other people on the circuits.

The first of the three is the Paseo del Gambullón, which will have two access points: one on the south corner of the Parque la Fuente II (for those coming down from Salobreña) and the other on the roundabout at the end of the paseo, where it joins with the old Camino del Gambullón (for the people coming from La Guardia and La Caleta). This is a square circuit, as can be seen from the accompanying photo. If you’re using a bicycle then you must keep to the cycle lane.

The second route begins on the right-hand pavement of the Avenida de Andalucía (heading in the river direction) to be shared by runners and walkers, the later keeping to the right of the said pavement (the left-hand side is the ‘fast lane’). Cyclists will use the road surface, respecting traffic norms.

The third route is for Lobres through its streets: Plaza de la Libertad, Calle Murillo, Calle Espinar, Calle García Lorca, Carrera del Canal, Calle Paseo de San Agustín, Calle Real, the bus stop, Camino de la Acequia Antigua, Calle Zurbarán, Calle Enrique Montero and then back to the Plaza de la Libertad. This route is not for bicycles

On all these routes, users are to respect safety distance between individuals: 5m between walkers, 10m between runners and 20m between cyclists. Lateral (side-by-side) distances are also necessary: 4m an aults with children and 2m an adult by himself.

Editorial comment: Complicated? You bet – translating this sort of thing is a minefield.

(News: Salobreña, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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