The Ayuntamiento de Salobreña approved a bylaw in the last Plenary Meeting of the Town Council, concerning “urban waste.”
The change basically brings the existing bylaw into line with the Ley 22/2011, entitled, Residuos y Suelos Contaminados – not much translating needed there!
“This environmental bylaw intends to establish the steps towards a positive change,” said the Mayor, adding, “It addresses residents’ concern over antisocial behaviour; amongst other things, vandalism, which creates considerable costs to the community.”
The new law, then, covers principally the cleaning of public spaces and municipal property and the corresponding rubbish collection therein. It goes on to include, however, “private plots and other existing property on public rights of way (streets, roads etc) and elements directly accessible from them, such as facades and passageways, etc.”
Now, all this is as clear as mud because the press note is almost in legalese. All that is clear is that the municipal regulations concerning street cleaning and rubbish collection havee been brought into line with the law that came into force in 2011, which had an adaption period that has since expired.
The law includes stiff fines of up to 3,000 euros for vandalism and graffiti for example.
(News: Salobrena, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)