The Minister for Fomento (Public Works), Ana Pastor, during a visit to the town has assured the Mayor of Motril, Carlos Rojas, that the Central Government is fully behind the termination of the A-7 and even including the Costa Tropical within the Mediterranean rail corridor, which had previously been rejected by the Socialist Government prior to the General Elections.
Minister Ana Pastor was specific concerning the Costa Tropical, considering the lack of infrastructure as an obstacle to the economic growth of Motril and the coast in general.
Now, had all this come after the Andalusian elections, which are being held on the 25th of March, then such promises would be very heartening, but coming as they do just a month before the said elections, on could be forgiven for considering the promises made and criticism leveled at the previous Minister for Fomento, José Blanco, in this field as unashamed electioneering.
If conservatives win the regional elections, holding power both in Madrid and Sevilla and the said minister reiterates the same promises then we will have cause to rejoice, rather than just cause to be cautious.
(News: Motril, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)