Tag Archive for hill fire

Fire Damage Compensation

The Councillor for Agriculture at the Almuñécar Town Hall, Carlos Ferrón, met with the Asociación de Damnificados related to the large fire consumed large areas of farming land behind Almuñécar/La Herradura in August.

Tax Relief for Fire Damage

Following the fire damage caused to 590 hectares in the area of Peña Escrita, El Cerval, Rescate, La Albita, Los Escobales and La Bóveda, there is some good news for affected propety owners.

Lentegí Hill Fire

There is a fire in the Lentegí area, which broke out yesterday afternoon but there is not much info on it. Infoca is also simultaneously dealing with fires in Huelva, Sevilla, Málaga and Córdoba.