Tag Archive for almunecar

Idiots & Dolphins

Jet skis are the bane of the coast, because of the unrelenting noise they produce and because of the irresponsible behaviour of some who put others at risk.

Cleaning Out Water Tanks

The Mancomunidad de Municipios de la Costa Tropical said that Aguas y Servicios (a private, water-utility company), had cleaned out the water storage structure in Molvízar which provides water for the coast.

Unjustifiable Expense?

The Partido Socialista (PSOE) opposition party in Almuñécar and La Herradura demands that the governing party (PP) provide information about the money spent on the Berlin Grüne Woche Fair.

Los Nórdicos February Column

Incredible how time flies. The parades of Reyes Magos on January 5th, with magic, illusion and wishes passed quickly – surprisingly on the topic of Disney this year in Almuñecar, nothing related to the Three Wise Men and Baby Jesus…

About Time?

Almuñécar Town Hall has decided to remove the raised, zebra crossings along the Paseo de San Cristóbal road and repaint them on the same level as the road.

Déjà Vu Anyone?

Almuñécar Plan General de Ordenación Urbana (PGOU) is like garlic; it keeps coming back on you, and this is the case with the latest announcement by the Mayor, Juan Jose Ruiz Joya.