Car Burns on A-44 In Dúrcal

Perhaps it was just because the amount of cars on the road, or perhaps it was of the summer heat – or both but broken-down cars on the autovías abound.

On the A-7 between the La Herradura access junction and the Lobres access junction on the westbound lanes there were three cars stopped on the hard should with their bonnets up.

On the A-44, more or less level with Béznar there was another car broken down on the hard should and furthermore, level with Dúrcal, there was a car on fire.

All this just in the space of 12.30h  and 14.30h.

In the case of the car in flames on the A-7, it was stopped on the bridge the Arroyo de Dúrcal, more or less at kilometre point 155 on the northbound lanes. The emergency call centre received an alert around 12.45h.

The fire service from the city of Granada, were despatched, along with the Guardia Civil de Tráfico to handle the traffic flow.

(News: Costa Tropical, Valle de Lecrin, Granada, Andalucia),

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