Rescate Wine Competition

LHR Rescate Wine CompetitionOn the 10th of last month, the annual country wine competition took place in the hamlet above La Herradura, Rescate.

As always, ex-Mayor Juan Carlos Benavides was there as were a few hundred litres of blow-your-socks-off vino terreno.

The XIX edición del ‘Vino Nuevo,’ which took place in the Centro Rural de Rescate, was won by Rafael Salado Ruiz with his particular WMD-like brew. There were around 20 competitors all told.

After the diplomas were handed out, everybody’s collective attention was applied to the BBQ – everybody that was still conscious, that is. Plenty of chorizo, morcilla and other meaty goodies, accompanied by plenty of bread and… wine!

Of course, with all that wine there was also plenty of spontaneous fandango cortijero (dancing) as well as squinting & tilted walking.

(News: Rescate, Herradura, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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