As we head into our Spanish summer, lazy days spent by the pool, or beach, enjoying the barbeques, cool white wine, tapas and all the fiestas, perhaps with family who are relaxing after a hard year at work, spare a thought for the young men and women who are serving in searing heat, dangerous situations and far from their loved ones in Afghanistan.
Then give a thought to the fact that some of them will be redundant in a few months time, some will be trying to piece back together their bodies and their minds, and their families will be fearfully wondering what their future holds. Their contribution means that we can enjoy the freedom that we have, but at what price?
This is where the Legion comes into play, helping all those who have injuries, are shocked, or just need time to recover from the sights and situations they have witnessed, or indeed have made the biggest sacrifice of all. Their families too need help from us – while their husbands, wives, sons and daughters have been defending us, they have been holding the fort at home so that there is a welcome and loving place to return to.
Next time you see The Royal British Legion box in your local store, bar, restaurant, paper shop or elsewhere please drop a few centimos in. They all count towards the huge commitment the RBL has made to helping all those serving and ex members of the armed forces and their families, and you can feel the benefit of giving to a very worthy cause.
I am sure this is how all of us in the Nerja branch view our regular lunches and raffles – a fun, and companionable way to raise a little money, but also to enjoy ourselves. There is not often a sad face at our lunches and we consider ourselves fortunate to have such happy friends. If you would like to join us, you will be made most welcome- just contact Eleanor on 958 828 708 (for lunch at La Herradura) or Marilyn on 952 526 423 (for lunch at Al Andalus, Maro). For information on the RBL contact Dave on 654 085 811. We look forward to meeting you.
(Club News: Royal British Legion, Nerja)