The weather has been a bit better and so we’ve been out fixing the fence and the driveway, as best we can. Need a digger really. It’s the first time in a while we’ve had a chance to watch the dogs. They’ve started this completely new game thing and I swear to you I think they talk to each other.
Nipper (Jack Russell) barks at Teddy, Sydney and Brian. They bark back then they all take off at 100 miles an hour and run around the perimeter of our land yipping. It is incredible to watch them bark at each other before they set off and they do it every time, like a plan.
Paddy the Irish Wolfhound (rescued him five years ago after he had been hung from a tree, rope still attached and grown into his neck) is the friendliest big old bear. Paco, the Carbonell truck driver delivers building materials to our house. He just turns up, drops off the stuff, not even come down to tell us. Paddy is always friendly, has a fuss etc.
One day Paco came and he thought, “I’ll take all those pallets back this time.” As he went to get the first one Paddy runs over and starts a really low, slow growl. Paco backed off from the pallets and Paddy stopped. Paco went to get it again; same thing.
It was then he realized Paddy was quite happy for him to bring things to the house; that’s what he does after all, but as soon as he started to take things from the house, Paddy wasn’t having any of it! Like, “That’s not what you do.”
Another unbelievably cute thing he has started doing, is sleeping under the pick up when we have to park it at the bridge because we can’t get to the house when it rains hard. The kids come home on their scooters (late) and tell us Paddy is guarding the truck again. Bless!
The diatomaceous earth is here, €15 per kilo keeps fleas, ticks and a multitude of critters at bay. It is brilliant! Google it. Don’t forget dog & cat worming tablets for sale at €1.50 each (from the vet 4 to 6 euros each). Scalibor collars, both sizes, €17 each. The profit on both products goes towards the upkeep of the animals.
The mobile vet is a huge success! Although, true to form I’ve been asked some really dim questions like “do you know him?” No, I’m going to let a complete stranger attach himself to my business, my reputation and operate on my animals because “I don’t love them as much as you love yours! His name is Wayne Hockenhull, if you want to read about him.
Yearly Rabies Booster €12.00
Full dog Booster & rabies €25.00
Full Cat Vaccinations & Rabies €30.00
Microchips €25.00
The full dog booster vaccine
The full cat booster vaccine
Female cat spayed from €45
Male cat neutered from €30
Female dog from €70 to €90 depending on size
Male dog neutering from €45 to €65 depending on size
Call us to make an appointment. 607 235 572