Another section of the A-7 where it passes through our province was finished and inaugurated on the 23rd.
Tag Archive for Polopos
Foreigner Population Decreasing
by Martin Myall •
The Province of Granada has lost 5,231 inhabitants in the last two years and a good part of them are foreigners.
No Finished A-7 This Year
by Hugh MacArthur •
The ruling party in Madrid, the PP, appear to have responded to the PSOE, when questioned in the national parliament over the A-7 that no part presently under construction will be finished this year.
Biker and Shepherd before Judge
by Vivienne Hughes •
It was back in September 2010 when a shepherd and a motorcyclist came to blows in Polopos; over two years later they stand accused of mutual attempted murder.
La Mamola’s Paseo
by Martin Myall •
The Mancomunidad de la Costa Tropical is going to pump 389,000 euros into sorting out the rain drains, sewage system and pavements on the Paseo in La Mamola.
First Step, First Stone…
by Editor •
Politicians are given to presenting work projects, on site, with a ceremonial first-stone placing – and normally, that’s it, with not much else happening on the project for months or even years to come. Let’s hope that this is not the case with the presentation of the Rules Reservoir pipe connection to the east coast of Granada.
Slow Money
by Editor •
The Mayor of Polopos is hopping mad over the delay for payments for the land expropriated for the A-7 Autovia. Mayor, Pedro García says that in some cases locals have been waiting since 2005 to receive their money.