Tag Archive for motorbike

Fatal Salobreña Accident

Two people on a motorbike or scooter (it is not clear which) were knocked off the vehicle and run over by a car on the N-340 where it passes through the municipality of Salobreña.

Nerja Road Accident

Sunday night in Nerja saw a nasty collision between a motorbike and a 4×4 on Avenida Alcalde Antonio Villasclaras, which is an access road for Nerja.

Torrenueva Mayor Injured

The Mayor of Torrenueva Costa, Plácido Lara, was injuried in a road accident on Sunday within his own municipality. Two vehicles were involved; the motorbike ridden by the Mayor and a car. The accident took place at approximately one in the afternoon on the N-340 at the same level as the Plaza de las Marismas. Sr.…

Three Up & Armed

What is surprising about the armed hold up in the city of Granada, is not the targeted business nor the booty obtained, but the getaway vehicle used.