The Lecrín Town Hall is warning locals about the gas-inspection con involving false obligatory inspections; something that is prevalent elsewhere in Granada, as well.
Tag Archive for false
False Sexual Abuse Claims
by Hugh MacArthur •
Illegal Arms-Trade Busted
by Hugh MacArthur •
Fake Traffic Control
by Hugh MacArthur •
Bogus Covid-19 Doctors
by Hugh MacArthur •
Bogus Gasmen Arrested
by Hugh MacArthur •
The police have brought two men from Cájar before a magistrate for allegedly having swindled an elderly lady of several hundred euros.
Doctor Youth
by David Darby •
Many of us can remember all sorts shenanigans from when we were teenagers, but a 17-year-old Australian lad really pushed the boat out when he was bored. He simply got himself a stethoscope, white coat and some dodgy credentials and proceeded to work in a few hospitals as a doctor!
Small Village, Big Lie
by Martin Myall •
When your home village has only 726 inhabitants, you can bet that everybody knows everybody, so when you tell a porker, nobody is going to believe it, because they know you. Well, one 54-year-old man in such a village, deep in the Alpujarra, decided to report that he had been mugged and kidnapped, as an explanation for being unable to pay a bar bill.
Manufactured Education
by Duncan Inglis •
It’s bad enough that in Andalucia the educational system has been shown to be defective and deficient, producing sub-par scholars with sub-par results once the former enter the work force, but to discover, or rather, uncover a ring which offered diplomas for titles that the students never even studied for, well, the cake’s been taken and left out in the rain.
Caught Out by CCTV
by Editor •
Another hold-up took place – or better said, ‘didn’t take place…’