Dodgy Gas Fitters

SPN Butano 400x250It was round the beginning of last month that individuals entered into the home of elderly residents of Béznar, under the guise of carrying out an inspection, but instead they were there to steal valuables whilst one of their numbers distracted the homeowners.

On this occasions, the thieves got away with 800 euros, probably their pensions for the month.

For this reason the Town hall has issued a warning on their social-media accounts so that locals, especially the elderly who are the prime targets for these villains, are on their guard.

First of all, there is no such thing as an obligatory gas-installations inspection. Homeowners have to request one from a bona-fide gas supplier, such as Repsol, etc. If somebody comes to your door saying that they have to carry out an inspection, if you have not previously requested somebody to come round, you do not even let them through the door.

It doesn’t matter what uniform they are wearing nor what badge or document they show you, you do not let them in under any circumstance. What you do do, is phone the Guardia Civil, or a Spanish-speaking friend to do it for you. If you say that you’re phoning the police, they will push off sharpish.

Furthermore, if you get a phone call saying that they will send somebody round to carry out an ‘obligatory’ inspection, just tell them, “No” and put the phone down and don’t let anybody in, if somebody does turn up.

Not all of those that pretend that they have to inspected your gas installations are their to steal your valuables because some are genuine gas fitters, using the false-obligatory-inspection excuse, that will replace items that don’t really need it and charge you an arm and a leg. If you do let them in, and they do carry out the work, then you don’t have a leg to stand on, so pay up.

The simple rule is, if you are worried about your gas installations, gas bottle tubes and adaptors (alcochofas), then phone the Repsol office in Dúrcal or Pádul and they will send somebody to have a look at them.

(News/Noticias, Lecrin, Valle de Lecrin, Granada, Andalucia)

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