Tag Archive for castilla-la mancha


A team of researchers in Spain has managed to reconnect a severed spinal cord in a rat. Could this be a breakthrough for humans with spinal injuries?

Throw Back Fanatics

The Bishopric of Cuenca has decided to suspend a courses for priests owing to the controversy and rejection expressed by the general public.

Foreign Farm Workers

Approximately 30% of agricultural workers in Spain of foreigners; it’s hard to find Spaniards who are willing to work in intensive cultivation in the hot south, for example.

11-Year-Old Attacked by Knifeman

A second violent incident in the province of Toledo occurred on Saturday, this time involving an 11-year-old boy who was stabbed and killed by a masked assailant in the football grounds of Mocejón (Toledo).

Murder in A Hamlet

A tragedy, in the modern sense of the word, unfolded in Otero, a small village of barely 500 inhabitants within the province of Toledo (Castilla-La Mancha).