Two officers belonging to the Peligros Policía Local had their work cut out for them trying to keep a stray pony off the Granada bypass autovía.
Tag Archive for bypass
Chopper Crashes onto Autopista
by Hugh MacArthur •
DUI on An Electric Scooter
by Martin Myall •
People often get stopped, breathalysed and found to be over the limit; most are drivers,but not always: one was on an electric scooter.
Driving Drunk to Court
by Hugh MacArthur •
New Bypass Opens
by Martin Myall •
New Radar Speed Traps
by Martin Myall •
Granada Bypass Speed Limit
by Martin Myall •
Traffic Light Mayhem in Granada City
by Martin Myall •
Getting in an out of the city of Granada via the Méndez Nuñez exit junction is a nightmare at the best of times but the day the traffic lights failed… The Méndez Nuñez junction is probably the busiest entrance into Granada so that during the rush hour, the traffic on the by-pass backs right up.…
Torrenueva Bypass Works!
by Martin Myall •
With Easter and the May-Day celebrations behind us, the new section of the A-7 that bypasses Torrenueva completely eliminated the heavy holiday traffic. Pass me my hat; I feel hungry…