Granada Bypass Speed Limit

GRA Circunvalicacion BypassBeware when travelling up to Granada because they are going to impose a 90-km speed limit on the circunvaliación (bypass) and Ronda Sur.

The new City Council, run by a PP-Ciudadanos formation, has been working on a plan for the last three months to tackle the chronic pollution problem; one that has made it one of the most contaminated cities in Spain, owing to the city nestling in a basin ringed by hills.

This speed limit on the Granada bypass and Ronda Sur is just one of the proposed measures, as these two traffic arteries produce most of the city’s carbon-monoxide contamination, as they are the busiest in the area.

The brain behind the move is the Councillor for Mobility, César Díaz, who intends to push through his 90-kph speed limit on both roads in the next Plenary Meeting of the City Council.

But this speed restriction would become even lower when there are high contamination levels – an 80-kph speed limit will be imposed using the overhead, digital, information panels.

Another reason for imposing stricter, speed limitations is because of accidents caused by cars speeding. If there is an accident, traffic grinds to a halt, with engines still churning out fumes, thus increasing pollution levels.

Experts consulted by the administration suggest that slower traffic means less fuel consumption and thus less pollution. These same experts point out that the speed restrictions should never go below 50 kph as it would have an adverse affect; i.e., increased pollution.

Editorial comment: OK, we’re no experts, but this logic about ‘reducing speed means less fuel consumption thus less pollution’ is… wonky. If a car is travelling slower, it takes longer to get past Granada on the bypass, so it must work out the same because your fume-belching engine is going to hang around longer, polluting the city air.

(News: Metropolitan Area, Granada, Andalucia)

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