Art in the Square

Having a coffee in the main square is just about to get a little bit more colourful. From May the 2nd to the 31st resident artist, Gina Brown, will be displaying some of her abstract landscape paintings in Bar El Meson.

Look It’s Music Update

With all the doom and gloom and talk of recession, it’s great to have a real ‘feel good’ story, and Look It’s Music has the ‘feel good’ factor in spades!
In a relatively short time, with masses of enthusiasm, dedication and hard work, Russell, Vicente and the team have created not just a school of music, but a local phenomena, without which the area would be a great deal poorer, both culturally and socially.

A Very Nice Man

I always enjoy my short visits to see José Luis Sánchez Parejo, a local lawyer in La Herradura. This softly spoken, affable young man chats with me about mundane things really, like the weather, fiestas and families.

Weight Watchers News

Here is a quick message from the very nice Nicola, who runs Weight Watchers in our area. If you’re thinking about losing weight, then I cannot think of a nicer person to rely on for the support and advice needed when you decide to change your life.

Pavement peril

Council workmen appeared outside the Bar Bikini, which is near Dave & Lauras’ Spar shop, and proceeded to dig up the pavement and in doing so, cutting off access to the bar! The licensee requested that they only dug up half of the pavement to allow at least some access to the bar.

Pending insolvency averted

Going back to the Mayor’s announcement of pending insolvency last month, on the 7th of April he announced that the situation had been averted and that the salaries were now guaranteed. The 16 days of suspense were over.

The PP’s rebellion…

The PP’s rebellion against the Mayor; i.e., their call for a vote of no confidence, has not come cheap, because the Mayor has withdrawn the salaries of two PP secretaries in the party’s town-hall-based offices. It was the Mayor himself that called the two women to inform them that their services were no longer required.

The referendum

Moving on to the referendum – which is another point covered in the interview – the Mayor says that the total cost of the campaign for the municipal coffers was 79,659 euros, which, he points out, works out at just over two euros a head for the Almuñequeros and La Herradureños.

New Face

The Wind of Change blows through our beloved, yet rather ill fated, Salotril section once again this month. Supermum and regular contributor Vanessa has been snatched from her Salotril post to focus on rather more important, behind-the-scenes, Gazette work, and left me here to deliver you your monthly news fix. But don’t despair (because that would make two of us) it is far from the end of life as we know it.

Market Break-In

Market vendors of Salobreña received one hell of a shock when they turned up for business on the 24th of April to find that robbers had wrought havoc during the night, devastating their stalls and throwing their goods all over the place.

Chiringuito Fate

One of the most worrying and much talked about news stories of the month has been the plight of the beloved Spanish beach bar (or chiringuito to us Spanglish speakers). Upon receiving a warning from the Environment Ministry that beach bars must shift their wares off the sand in order to comply with coastal law, beach bar owners last month declared war.

Campervan Ban

Judgement day for the caravaner (oooh, or might that be caravanister? Caravanman?) has arrived as Motril passes a new law banning the vans and stopping what they consider to be illegal campers from parking in the town. So, let’s be honest, to those of you who’ve ever participated in the sport, hands up, who has ever emptied their port-a-loo when they thought no-one was looking? Or set up their front room on the grounds of a car park?

Cruises Begin

Let the cruise begin! April saw the official start of the cruise season for Motril with the arrival of Funchal, a Portuguese liner. 250 passengers were on board and of those, 80 made the trip to Granada or Nerja and the other 170 visited Motril.

Band On The Rocks

It’s been a very rocky month indeed for the band of Motril who were told by the Council that they would have to play their final tune due to lack of funds. Amidst ‘crisis’ cutbacks to try and save a bit of Motril’s dwindling cash supplies the Council concluded that the 146-year-old band, was a luxury the town could survive without.