The Vice-PM for the Central Government, Yolanda Díaz, considers it madness that restaurants should remain open past midnight.
Sra. Díaz is the Minister for Work and Social Econony pointed out in the rest of Europe restaurants close much earlier.
Minister Díaz is pushing through a law to reduce work hours…. for the same pay.
VPM Yolanda Díaz proposed that restaurants closed at 22.00h
The PM for the Comunidad de Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, (herself no stranger to radical comments) defends Madrileña night life, saying that the streets are “full of life and freedom,” which, she says, creates employment.
“We are different. Spain has the best night life in the world… … they want to turn us into puritans, materialists, socialists, with no soul, because they just feel like it,” commented Madrid PM Ayuso.
The Secretary General for the PP (Ayuso’s party) Alfonso Serrano, said that VPM Díaz wants to close all the restaurants, “so that everybody can go home early and read their communist manifesto.”
Editorial comment: the reason that many of us are here is precisely because Spain is different to the rest of Europe. However, it is a bit rich that the Spanish right wing (with many Franco nostalgics amongst them) accuse other people of wanting to turn us into Puritans.
(News/Noticias: Spain)
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