A 56-year-old man in Torvizcón (Contraviesa) was arrested by the Guardia Civil for beating another man with a large hammer.
The incident came about in July during a dispute between a tenant and a landlady. The victim, who had decided to intervene, was the husband of the property owner.
The alleged aggressor stands accused of striking the victim three times with a large hammer, effectively caving in parts of his skull.
It’s worth explaining that the victim was greeted by the aggressor with an assortment of large tools. He first reportedly attacked the victim with a wood-axe but the handle broke after he missed and hit an iron bar so he tried again with the lump hammer.
Officers from Órgiva are in charge of the case, confiscating the weapons and interviewing witnesses. The aggressor is to be charged with attempted murder.
(News/Noticias: Torviscon, Contraviesa, Alpujarra, Granada, Andalucia)
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