The victim, bound with plastic ties, managed to escape from the boot of the kidnapper’s car via the back seats and escape from the underground car park in Armilla where the vehicle was parked. The kidnapping had lasted just three hours.
When the Mayoress, Berta Linares, appeared before a gathering of reporter, she was in tears, “I’m still in shock!” She explained that like in all Town Councils there are disagreements but nobody would think of carrying out a kidnapping. She also announced that she had finished with her boyfriend, not surprisingly.
So what is going on? The councillor was kidnapped around 09.15h on Tuesday the 21st of last month, shortly after dropping off her kids at school situated near the Pantano de Cubillas. The Mayoress’s boyfriend approached her brandishing a pistol, tied her up using plastic ties, dumped her in the boot of his car before driving off to Armilla. He was arrested that same afternoon after a 5-hour search.
The kidnapper has suffered a severe depression for the last six months and was under medication.
But the plot thickens because the Policía Judicial belonging to the Guardia Civil are investigating the Town Hall over possible irregularities, looking into documents belonging to Intervención, Secretaría, Urbanismo and Contratación. The kidnapped councillor is the head of Urbanismo.
(News, Maracena, Vega, Granada, Andalucia)