New Type of Door-Caller Scam

Up in the north of Spain there have been cases of people calling at doors to 'take water samples' which is just another ploy to get past the front door.

SPN Tap Water Testing scamThe intended victims received phone calls prior to the visit to say that specialists would be coming round to take samples of tap water.

The Town Hall in Huéscar, for instance, soon started receiving calls from people who had received these calls to see if they were municipal inspectors; i.e., it was an official visit from the municipal maintenance department.

So, the Town Hall go hold of the waterboard company, Aqualia, which manages the local water supply, to see if the inspectors were their’s – they weren’t.

Consequently, the Mayor began warning locals that these were bogus callers and not to let them in, whilst also alerting the Guardia Civil and Policía Local.

A few days later, the Huéscar Policía Local tracked down the individuals behind the house calls and identified them but as nobody had filed a complaint before the Guardia Civil or local law courts, they had to let them go on their way.

So far there has been no news of somebody being fooled by the bogus water-quality inspectors and tricked into handing over money or had valuable stolen whilst these individuals were in their homes, but it is only a matter of time before somebody tries it in your area. After all, this is just another variation of the gas-installation tricksters.

(News: Spain)

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