Motril Post Office’s CityPag

The Post Office in Motril has installed a CityPaq terminal to facilitate the delivery of online purchases.

MOT CityPag MachineCityPaq makes it easier to receive onlne purchases and gives the option of sending and receiving packages permanently. Its main advantage is that the person receiving the package can choose when to do so.

In other words, the system adapts itself to the convenience of the addressee.

Anybody can receive or send packages from these machines and the process is simple: firstly, you will need to sign up on the CityPaq website, or the Post Office one, or via a mobile app. Once you are registered, you can choose one of their drop-off points and use it as a delivery address.

When it arrives, you’ll receive a message and you will have five days to collect it. However, this time period doesn’t normally ‘expire’ as users tend to collect them within 24 hours of being notified.

Another part of the service is being able to return internet purchases to the seller, making the task simple and straight forward.

There are 27 Post Offices within Andalucía that have installed the CityPaq system and another 13 are scheduled to join them, but it’s not only in Post Offices where you will find them because you can also find CityPaq terminals in such places as railway stations, gasolineras, shopping centres and public car parks.

It certainly makes life easier because instead of having to stay at home waiting for a delivery, you can choose when to collect it yourself.

(News: Motril, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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