The owner of the yacht that came to grief in La Herradura over last weekend could face more than just the loss of his boat.
An NGO consisting of a group of experts on the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) considers that the owner of the yacht could face a fine for alleged negligence, seeing as there was a Yellow Weather Alert in place over the weekend of the incident.
The weather warning indicated 70 kph winds from the West and South-West and Force Seven on the Beaufort Scale along the coasts of Almería, Granada and Málaga.
The experts point out that once the anchor has been dropped it should be carefully checked to make sure that it is stable. Furthermore the radius of the borneo (anchor swing) should be checked to make sure that there are no rocks visible or otherwise within 360º of the anchor. The stabililty of the anchor should be checked constantly to make sure that it doesn’t garree (drag).
Lastly, if there are adverse sea state or wind changes, the anchor should be weighed immediately and the craft moved in time not to avoid running aground.
It appears that none of these measure had been taken by the yacht owner, hence he could face punative measure for negligence.
(News: Herradura, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia – Photo: JM de Haro)
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