The Last Update before Sunday

Yesterday saw what could be the last meeting of the regional committee of health experts, announcing which municipalities had excessive Covid figures.

AND Covid 05MY21The result is that 26 municipalities within Granada will have to close their town limits and another six will have to close their nonessential businesses, too.

You might ask how long this will be in force, as from Sunday the Estado de Alarm ends, and along with it the curfew, etc. The fact is that the Junta is determined to maintain mobilility restrictions on towns with high Covid figures, even if they will need to have it approved by a judge.

The 26 municipalities with a contagion figure over 500 per 100k are:
Albuñol, Gualchos, Beas de Guadix, Benalúa, Fonelas, Huéscar, Lugros, Jun, Albuñuelas, Alfacar, Cijuela, Fuente Vaqueros, Huétor Vega, Íllora, Iznalloz, Montejícar, Villa de Otura, Peligros and Pulianas.

The six municipalities with a contagion figure over 1,000 per 100k are:
Loja, Marchal, Colomera, Montefrío, Salar and Villanueva Mesía.

Amongst other restrictions that stand is the obligatory use of masks, as this measure was imposed separately and was not contained within the Estado de Alarma.

As there will be no curfew, there should be no restrictions on closing times. Furthermore, unless the Junta can get judicial approval, there can be no restriction on how many people you mix with once Sunday arrives.

But, do not be suprised if there is an announcement from the Central Goverment before Sunday concerning a possible extension of the Estado de Alarma, now that the regional elections for Madrid have come and gone. Basically, nobody is sure what is going to happen and we’re all in the dark.

In the meantime, all Covid restrictions in place stand until Sunday.

(News: Granada, Andalucia)

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