Covid Figures: 12th February

These are the latest figures on which the Health Committee will decide later this afternoon which towns can reopen etc.

GRA Covid Figures 08 FB 21As announced by the Junta, they are applying a new system from today, putting everybody back to zero; i.e., dumping the contagion figures from before. Therefore, irrespectively how long a municipality has been in confinement, if in the figures below these paragraphs your municipality is below 500 but are closed down, tomorrow your town or village repopens, Saturday, at 00.01h.

Similarly, if the figures are above 500 but now below 1,000, then nonessential business can reopen.

The only thing we are waiting for is the Committee’s meeting, followed by the publication of the BOJA this evening to confirm it all. This means that 29 municipalities can reopen their boundaries and 21 will be able to open bars and restaurants.

Only four municipalities will be going the opposite way (Caniles, Castril, Cájar and Orce) and will have to close their town limits.

The 21 municipalities that can reopen their bars, restaurants etc, are:

Nevada, Ugíjar, Alamedilla, Guadix, Puebla de Don Fadrique, Dólar, Zújar, Húetor Santillán, Alfacar, Padul, Algarinejo, Zagra, Calicasas, Chimeneas, Cogollos Vega, Dehesas Viejas, Dúdar, Pinos Puente, Quéntar, Pulianas and Villanueva Mesía.

Amongst them, Alamedilla, Algarinejo, Cogollos Vega, Dehesas Viejas, Dólar, Padul and Zagra, can also open their town limits as they have also dropped below the 500 mark as well as the 1,000 one.

The 29 municipalities that can now reopen the town limits are:

Albondón, Beas de Granada, Chimeneas, Deifontes, Güevéjar, Íllora, Monachil, Nívar, Ogíjares, Pinos Genil, Santa Fe, Albuñol, Motril, Torrenueva Costa, Válor, Beas de Guadix, Cogollos Guadix, Maracena, Molvízar, Montefrío, Peligros, Huétor Tájar, Cortes de Baza, Cúllar, Valle de Zalabí, Jun, Armilla, Las Gabias and Cúllar Vega.

Editorial note: If your town or village is listed as below 500 but it is not amongst those listed as being able to reopen tomorrow, as soon as the BOJA is published, we will confirm it.

(News: Granada, Andalucia)

Town or Area Population 14-day 


Per 100K
Granada 914,678 4,647 505.6
Granada Sur 148,829 497 333.6
Albondón 728 1 140.4
Albuñol 7,233 19 258.4
Almegíjar 365 0 0.0
Almuñécar 26,514 73 281.6
Alpujarra de la Sierra 989 5 516.0
Bérchules 716 0 0.0
Bubión 296 7 2,349.0
Busquístar 289 10 3,584.2
Cádiar 1,453 2 136.5
Cáñar 350 0 0.0
Capileira 554 0 0.0
Carataunas 194 0 0.0
Cástaras 249 0 0.0
Guájares (Los) 1,057 1 95.0
Gualchos 5,193 12 231.2
Ítrabo 988 1 100.9
Jete 919 0 0.0
Juviles 153 0 0.0
Lanjarón 3,507 10 283.3
Lentegí 326 0 0.0
Lobras 145 0 0.0
Lújar 488 0 0.0
Molvízar 2,794 12 432.9
Motril 58,020 250 427.6
Murtas 467 0 0.0
Nevada 1,050 8 746.3
Órgiva 5,725 5 86.4
Otívar 1,034 0 0.0
Pampaneira 321 0 0.0
Polopos 1,756 0 0.0
Pórtugos 382 2 543.5
Rubite 394 1 261.8
Salobreña 12,381 37 295.7
Soportújar 268 0 0.0
Sorvilán 538 0 0.0
Taha (La) 653 2 298.5
Torrenueva Costa 2,682 8 286.1
Torvizcón 648 0 0.0
Trevélez 732 0 0.0
Turón 239 1 431.0
Ugíjar 2,523 18 715.1
Válor 675 1 147.7
Vélez de Benaudalla 2,841 11 380.6
Granada Nordeste 98,043 751 768.6
Alamedilla 574 2 351.5
Albuñán 406 0 0.0
Aldeire 615 19 3,015.9
Alicún de Ortega 480 0 0.0
Alquife 601 1 172.4
Baza 20,412 114 558.0
Beas de Guadix 329 1 304.0
Benalúa 3,318 24 725.1
Benamaurel 2,293 23 1,017.7
Calahorra (La) 673 5 748.5
Caniles 4,047 22 547.1
Castilléjar 1,318 29 2,195.3
Castril 2,070 14 693.1
Cogollos de Guadix 673 3 467.3
Cortes de Baza 1,869 2 108.5
Cortes y Graena 996 2 203.7
Cuevas del Campo 1,735 15 860.1
Cúllar 4,129 16 391.1
Darro 1,599 4 244.8
Dehesas de Guadix 419 4 947.9
Diezma 764 1 130.9
Dólar 622 2 318.5
Ferreira 299 0 0.0
Fonelas 978 10 1.022.5
Freila 918 4 426.0
Galera 1,075 21 1,960.8
Gor 733 3 403.2
Gorafe 381 4 1,044.4
Guadix 18,422 157 851.6
Huélago 403 3 748.1
Huéneja 1,184 1 85.5
Huéscar 7,253 124 1,723.4
Jérez del Marquesado 968 1 104.7
Lanteira 588 1 177.3
Lugros 323 2 645.2
Marchal 417 2 483.1
Morelábor 607 0 0.0
Orce 1,190 7 590.7
Pedro Martínez 1,107 22 1,933.2
Peza (La) 1,178 14 1,199.7
Polícar 276 0 0.0
Puebla de Don Fadrique 2,250 22 983.0
Purullena 2,293 17 737.2
Valle del Zalabí 2,128 9 427.6
Villanueva de las Torres 582 1 177.9
Zújar 2,548 23 904.1
Granada (distrito) 239,149 1,329 552.9
Beas de Granada 977 3 306.1
Granada (capital) 232,462 1,301 556.8
Huétor de Santillán 1,877 10 531.3
Jun 3,833 15 389.3
Metropolitano de Granada 428,657 2,054 475.4
Agrón 274 1 384.6
Albolote 18,808 117 617.0
Albuñuelas 821 2 249.4
Alfacar 5,400 40 728.9
Algarinejo 2,520 11 445.9
Alhama de Granada 5,979 8 136.4
Alhendín 9,349 51 536.3
Arenas del Rey 666 0 0.0
Armilla 24,174 114 468.4
Atarfe 18,706 98 516.9
Benalúa de las Villas 1,066 2 189.8
Cacín 569 0 0.0
Cájar 5,129 28 537.9
Calicasas 617 5 783.7
Campotéjar 1,237 3 244.1
Cenes de la Vega 8,002 21 257.6
Chauchina 5,565 56 1,008.6
Chimeneas 1,257 2 159.9
Churriana de la Vega 15,200 85 541.8
Cijuela 3,322 24 702.8
Cogollos de la Vega 2,031 10 498.3
Colomera 1,309 1 76.8
Cúllar Vega 7,429 34 450.5
Dehesas Viejas 705 3 436.0
Deifontes 2,627 9 346.2
Dílar 2,054 2 95.6
Domingo Pérez de Granada 890 7 797.3
Dúdar 330 3 917.4
Dúrcal 7,015 11 154.7
Escúzar 791 9 1,137.8
Fornes 555 0 0.0
Fuente Vaqueros 4,406 54 1,231.8
Gabias (Las) 21,115 107 496.7
Gobernador 233 0 0.0
Gójar 5,795 13 220.0
Guadahortuna 1,935 12 641.0
Güéjar Sierra 2,820 4 140.0
Güevéjar 2,595 12 454.5
Huétor Tájar 10,352 49 471.2
Huétor Vega 12,039 61 506.9
Íllora 10,054 25 248.4
Iznalloz 5,134 31 605.5
Játar 614 0 0.0
Jayena 1,060 0 0.0
Láchar 3,471 20 569.3
Lecrín 2,134 8 371.1
Loja 20,342 123 602.4
Malahá (La) 1,781 20 1.121.1
Maracena 22,116 107 479.7
Moclín 3,651 10 276.1
Monachil 7,939 26 324.7
Montefrío 5,433 20 376.4
Montejícar 2,113 6 284.4
Montillana 1,189 0 0.0
Moraleda de Zafayona 3,153 4 128.3
Nigüelas 1,173 0 0.0
Nívar 994 3 289.6
Ogíjares 14,160 63 439.1
Villa de Otura 6,952 27 386.7
Padul 8,420 34 391.1
Peligros 11,394 51 443.8
Pinar (El) 877 0 0.0
Pinos Genil 1,457 3 201.3
Pinos Puente 9,930 68 687.3
Píñar 1,138 3 272.0
Pulianas 5,429 54 987.9
Quéntar 933 5 528.0
Salar 2,631 8 305.2
Santa Cruz del Comercio 528 0 0.0
Santa Fe 15,157 56 367.9
Torre-Cardela 736 0 0.0
Valderrubio 2,086 3 145.2
Valle (El) 914 0 0.0
Vegas del Genil 11,166 79 691.0
Ventas de Huelma 640 4 608.8
Villamena 948 1 107.1
Villanueva Mesía 2,021 13 643.2
Víznar 976 5 503.5
Zafarraya 2,137 4 188.7
Zagra 834 3 339.0
Zubia (La) 19,155 98 507.0

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