Loud Music at Home

MOT Flat PartiesIf the authorities thought that by closing down pubs and discotheques, as well as clamping down on botellones, that would be the end of it, they were mistaken.

After all, suppressing young people’s desire to have a rave is like trying to get back into your old wedding suit; the more excess flab you manage to cram out of sight, the more of it pops out elsewhere. And that is what is happening in Motril

Ever since open-air bottle parties were banned, the number of complaints that the Policía Local receive concerning noisy neighbours (having music blasting out at all hours) has multiplied. Imagine what is going to happen now that the discos and night bars are closed. After all, flat parties (guateques) are the only option open to them now.

The municipal police know that they will be swamped by such calls and will have to deal with them as well as patrol the streets to make sure masks are in full use, etc.

In the meantime, last Sunday at midnight the new closing times for bars and restaurants came into being: no new customers allowed in after midnight and everybody out with premises closed up by 01.00h.

This time, however, there were no warnings. Straight off the bat two chiringuitos were fined for still being open after 01.00h.

(News: Motril, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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