Motril Town Hall has allegedly opened disciplinary proceedings against workers for criticising on social media a lack of protection material.
The Town Hall considers that the Facebook posts by municipal employees could constitute disciplinary measures, seeing as the “municipal authorities are making a great effort to guarantee their workers’ safety.”
As well as initiating displinary proceedings against two female cleaners for voicing their criticism in this manner, they have also done the same against two janitors who look after the sports hall including when it was a temporary shelter for the homeless.
The opposition parties, PSOE, Vox and IU have strongly rejected this move by the governing coalition, considering it an attack on Freedom of Expression.
“The opening of this discplinary proceedings demonstrates the Mayor’s lack of democratic sensibility,” said the PSOE Spokesperson, Alicia Crespo, adding, “what she is doing to these workers is absolutely unjust – they were calling attention to their concern not only about being infected but also passing the virus on to their families.”
The Spokesperson for the IU-Equo says that the Mayor’s attitude is incomprehensible; i.e., using disciplinary action to quell the criticism by frontline workers in this pandemic.
Lastly, Vox Spokesperson considers the Mayor’s attitude as “Big Brother.”
The Town Hall, on the other hand, has not issued any press release on this matter, preferring, apparently that silence is the best course.
(News: Motril, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)