Three Up & Armed

GRA Three on a Bike 02What is surprising about the armed hold up in the city of Granada, is not the targeted business nor the booty obtained, but the getaway vehicle used.

Three hooded men burst into a store on Calle Garcilaso de la Vega, belonging to the Dani supermarket chain armed with a pistol, knives and malicious mischief. It was around 18.00h, Monday the 30th of March.

They tried to take two cash registers but had to settle on only one and a lady’s handbag, which was probably a good thing, as they wouldn’t have much storage space during the getaway.

They were in and out in a couple of minutes and they… got on a small motorbike… all three of them, together with the cash register and a fashionable handbag.

They had previously stolen the bike in Peligros (who choses to live in a village with a name like that?). In fact, it was the same one used in several hold ups; one on a Covirán self-serviceshop on Avenida de la Reina Sofía in Peligros itself and another in the north of Granada last Thursday. Strangely enough, on that occasion, they whistled past the Mayor of Granada, who had been making a visit to the area that day.

Since the latest hold up the Policía Nacional have recovered the bike but the 2-Wheeled Trio are still at large.

Editorial comment: Just a thought here… the idea of a getaway vehicle is both to distance the thieves from the scene of a crime before the police arrive – preferably, not drawing attention to themselves whilst doing this – and secondly, it has to be something with sufficient storage room for the booty.The vehicle chosen by these robbers failed miserable in both aspects. Three people on one motorbike, clutching a bulky cash registry flying a lady’s handbag as a battle flag is bound to attract some unwanted attention.

Lastly, the Spanish have an expression indicating somebody has very bad eyesight: “no puede ver ni tres en un burro.” I rest my case, your Honour.

(News: Metropolitan Area, Granada, Andalucia)

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