There have only been brief respites in the rain in the last few days, and we’ve got at least another week of this to come – lucky trees!
La Herradura woke up this morning to a stone-strewn beach road; municipal workers using rakes and shovels along with a JCB had their work cut out for them cleaning it up.
But that’s not all because there were watery adornments in the form of large puddles where work is being carried out on that same road, near the schools, so it’s not only temporary traffic lights but also mini-Meds.
When the schools turn out, the spluttering schoolchildren, large puddles and roadworks will combine to make any hope of car-borne mobility and forlorn hope there.
As for the beach itself, the waves have swept away some of the beach paths, litter-bins, as has been the case too on the neighbouring beaches of San Cristóbal and Fuentepiedra-Puerta del mar in Almuñécar.
Well, you wanted rain…
(News: Herradura, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia – Photo H.)