Carchuna Castle Reopened

At last the Carchuna castle or fort, which is down near the beach, has been restored and renovated – the walls have been restored and the inside renovated. There was a failed attempt back in the 80’s to sort the castle out.

The end result, and 1.5m euros later, is a large, public space, dedicated to renewable energy sources. The full title is Demonstration Centre for Renewable Energy Capacity and Energy Saving... not a lot of word saving going on, but never mind. The idea is for these installations to become a reference point for clean energy.

The centre is part of poctefex (an anagram of another generous string of adjectives and nouns) which is part financed by Europe under regional development with the object of Spain and Morocco working together.

Apart from being a sort of showroom for renewable energy it will also be a place for people in this sector to be trained, so logically there is a classroom.

Finally, the Mayor of Chaouen (Morocco) heading a delegation from that country, was present, with words concerning past and future cooperation. In fact, in the official photo of the event, there were 26 people squeezed in, whose combined attendance hardly represents a saving in carbon-fuel consumption as far as travel goes.

(News: Carchuna, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)