Cameron Taylor Jackson & Burley

How can we describe David Cameron’s popularity at an EU summit; a bit like a fart in a lift, or maybe a french kiss at a family reunion?
But just how really nasty is the man with the perfect hair? Well, that appears to depend on where you live.

Most people in Europe seem to believe Cameron is the Devil Incarnate, who never wanted to be in Europe in the first place and would do anything to wreck any attempts to resuscitate a dying Euro.

However, in the UK, one would think that they had regressed 70 years, with all of Europe under the control of a financial German jackboot, and the UK standing alone once more.

Reality, of course, is that the UK is struggling just as much as anyone, and Cameron found himself in a classic Catch 22 situation. He would have been crucified by the media (and probably the electorate) in the UK had he signed, so settled for being vilified in Europe instead. Not many Christmas cards or invites to a festive dinner finding there way across the channel this year; me thinks.

To think that the British actually thought they were in safe hands when Gordon Brown was at the helm… the man is an economist who can cross any financial hurdle, they were told.
“Mr. Brown is keeping a close eye on the economy,” was the report. Unfortunately, they were not told that he was using his blind eye.

In other news… Michael Jackson’s daughter Paris says she wants to be an actress, so I suppose she will be in a remake of The Mask. Mind you… she does look very much like her father, so she may well end up in a remake of Oliver.
The late Elizabeth Taylor’s jewelry has been sold at auction in New York and made record prices, who would have thought that a few trinkets and baubles would be worth more than Greece!
The Apple computer company has been closely compared with Spain… men with beards everywhere, but no Jobs.

British MP Aidan Burley has been sacked from his government post after being photographed next to a man in a Nazi uniform. The incident occurred at a stag party and Mr. Burley says he regrets ‘profoundly’ the incident which saw him standing next to a man in full Nazi regalia. However, what I want to know is what the hell he was doing at a party with Prince Harry anyway?

The final installment of the Harry Potter film series is now out on DVD, however I couldn’t help imagining Sarkozy as Harry Potter, Merkel as Hermoine and Rajoy as Ron… all fighting against the evil Cameron as Voldermort.

All I can say is that if the predicted ‘winter recession’ in 2012 comes about, I hope someone somewhere waves a bloody big magic wand, and quick!
I waved my magic wand in the direction of El Gordo and he promptly raised his middle finger in my direction by way of a friendly salute. Oh well… maybe next year.
Happy New Year everyone

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