The Seaside Gazette has Stand-Up Stan and now Halifax in Canada has Tuxedo Stan, who is campaigning to become may of the town. Of course, this being a World Section story, Tuxedo Stan is a cat.
Tag Archive for stan
Cameron Taylor Jackson & Burley
by Anon E. Mouse •
How can we describe David Cameron’s popularity at an EU summit; a bit like a fart in a lift, or maybe a french kiss at a family reunion?
But just how really nasty is the man with the perfect hair? Well, that appears to depend on where you live
Stand-Up Stan’s View – Just a Bit of Fun!
by David Darby •
Rajoy has dyed hair on top and a grey beard, so the top of his head is 35 years old, while his chin is at least 72 years old.
Rubalcaba is completely bald with a grey beard and therefore looks like his head is on upside-down.
Winner = Painted Roof. Loser = Mr. Potato Head.
It was so much simpler when you only had to think of Mr. Bean and you immediately had an image of the Spanish Prime Minister.