Tag Archive for comedy

Nordic Humour

The Asociación de Nórdicos in Almuñécar have organised for tomorrow a comedy & music show provided by Swedish comedian, Jacke Sjödin.

Comedy Wildlife Photos

The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards were founded in 2015 by two photographers – Paul Joynson Hicks and Tom Sullam, aiming to promoting conservation.

Film in English – La La Land

There will be a film in English next week (with subtitles in Spanish) on Monday 23 January at 18.00h in the Casa de la Cultura, Almuñécar. (Be sure to note that this time the film is being shown on a Monday not Tuesday).

Anorexic Appetite

Ex anorexic Peter Czerwinski has become a hamburger-eating champion! The 24-year-old ate 15 hamburgers in the space of 10 minutes during the competition called the Z-Burger Independence Burger Eating Championship. The title also came with 1,000 dollars, to spend on larger trousers one would guess, the win also pocketed him 1,000 dollars worth of gift cards for the local hamburger chain, just what he needs… another bunch of bloody burgers!

Cameron Taylor Jackson & Burley

How can we describe David Cameron’s popularity at an EU summit; a bit like a fart in a lift, or maybe a french kiss at a family reunion?
But just how really nasty is the man with the perfect hair? Well, that appears to depend on where you live

Stand-Up Stan’s View – Just a Bit of Fun!

Rajoy has dyed hair on top and a grey beard, so the top of his head is 35 years old, while his chin is at least 72 years old.
Rubalcaba is completely bald with a grey beard and therefore looks like his head is on upside-down.
Winner = Painted Roof. Loser = Mr. Potato Head.
It was so much simpler when you only had to think of Mr. Bean and you immediately had an image of the Spanish Prime Minister.

Charity Comedy Performance Flops

A comedy, charity performance in Molvízar that was organised to raise funds for a fellow comedian, Manolo de Vega, who has fallen on hard times, flopped, thanks to a very weak turn out by members of the public due